Sequoia Hill Sentul at Palm Hill Golf

Sequoia Hill Sentul at Palm Hill Golf Sentul Sirkuit. Saat ini kami Pasarkan 3 cluster Premium. Cluster Perdana Leroy (sold out), Cluster Kedua Earthville & Cluster Ketiga Monohouse. Rumah Masa Depan dengan Teknologi ter update, Menyatu dengan Alam, tapi tetap memberi ruang kreatifitas penghuninya.

Welcome to Sequoia Hills Sentul a Breathing City, Lavish City & Prosperous City.

Dekat Exit Tol Jagorawi Sirkuit Sentul, berada di sebelah Sirkuit Sentul, juga di bangun di atas total lahan 95 hektar di kawasan Palm Hill Golf yang lokasi hanya selangkah menuju Stasiun LRT Sentul.

Desain Rumah Super Premium, Berkualitas dan Modern, Konsep Rumah Masa Depan. Harga Perdana Cluster Earthville, Mono & Leroy Start 1,8 Milyar – 3,4 Milyar.

Sequoia Hills Sentul Finely Crafted by Triniti Land

Private Preview Cluster Earthville

– A Staycation Home –

Harga mulai dari 1.8 M an
Cicilan mulai dari 8 jt an
Cicilan developer s/d 36x
Available type 7×15
Available type 9×16
Available type 12×20
Cluster premium hanya 79 unit
Riverside View & Mountain View
3 menit dari Exit Tol Sentul Sirkuit


Japan-Inspired Introvert House

A True Appreciation Of Personal Space

Known for its captivating cultures, Japan puts the art of appreciation as an essential way of living. The appreciation of personal space – the art of being mindful of one’s privacy and solitude – elegantly revitalizes our wellbeing.

Inspired by this philosophy, MONO delivers a Japanese-inspired introvert house concept with avid enthusiasm. Our craftsmanship starts from the prestigiously private establishment, the soothing ambience we set in your house, and the facilities that allure you to mentally reset and rejuvenate.

“Everything is designed for you to celebrate your inner introversion.”

Leroy Cluster What Makes Us Refined

Delivering a refined life inside a lavish green establishment, every detail in Leroy manifests the concept of being energy efficient with advanced features fundamental for residents’ comfort. In Leroy, residents own not only the experience of luxurious, garden-like retreat but a true definition of living inside the breathing city.

Developer Terpecaya
Triniti Land

Didirikan tahun 2009, PT Perintis Triniti Properti Tbk (IDX:TRIN) atu lebih dikenal dengan nama TRINITI LAND memulai perjalanannya dari proyek pengembangan tanah sebesar 5 hektar yakni Ubud Village yang diwujudkan melalui tangan-tangan emas para Founder, Septian Starlin, Matius Jusuf, Bong Chandra, dan Yohanes L. Andayaprana. Pengembangan dari proyek-proyek ikonik TRINITI LAND dimulai sejak tahun 2014 dengan proyek pengembangan terbaik seperti Brooklyn, Springwood Residence, Yukata Suites, The Smith, Collins Boulevard, dan Marc’s Boulevard. Sebanyak 4 dari 5 proyek properti sudah di-booking 90% dan meraih penjualan lebih dari ratusan juta US Dollar dalam waktu singkat.

Bong Chandra - Founder Triniti Land

The Best Concept

What makes us A BREATHING CITY :
✅   Cluster Integrated Park
✅   Electric Vechile Charging Station
✅   Jogging Track
✅   Bicycle Loop Trails
✅   Urban Farm
✅   Country Club
✅   Culture Center
✅   Food Market
✅   Wellness Center

Premium Location

Sequoia Hills berdekatan dengan exit Tol Jagorawi, berada di sebelah Sirkuit Sentul dan  di develop di atas total lahan 95 hektar di kawasan Palm Hill Golf Sentul. Akses sangat mudah karena sangat dekat dengan Exit Tol Jagorawi serta dekat dengan Stasiun LRT.

Cluster Kedua
Seqouia Hill Sentul

Crafting Your Dream Home: Your sanctuary, your security, your cherished moments. Experience our unwavering dedication to making your dream home a reality through ongoing development and improvement.

Type 7 x 15 nya
Luas tanah: 105
Luas bangunan: 84

Type 7 special banget
Ada taman di dalam rumah dan ada taman di depan rumah yang bisa di bangun jadi tambahan ruangan lagi atau jadi bangunan apapun (cont. Mini swimming pool)

Plus lagi ada rooftop garden di lt 2 jadi buat area BBQ dengan keluarga atau di jadii rumah tumbuh bisa banget atau mau di design jadi ada ruangan buat kamar lagi
Jadi bener” fleksible banget ini buat layout dan floor plan

Type 9 x 16 nya
Luas tanah: 144
Luas bangunan: 109

Type 9 yg special banget nya
Ada taman di dalam rumah yang ukuran nya lebih besar
Dan sama bisa di bangun jadi tambahan ruangan lagi atau jadi bangunan apapun

Plus lagi ada kitchen garden di bagian belakang jadi bisa masak” atau BBQ di dapur tanpa pusing” karena posisi dapur nya sebelahan persis sama garden di dalam rumah nya. Floor to ceiling di ruang tamu juga gede banget

Memiliki 2 ruang tamu di lt 1 dan lt 2. Kamar utama ada 2 di dalam nya memiliki kamar mandi private.

Cluster Earthville berkonsep
“Perumahaan Modern Resort Full Teknologi”
Memiliki tanah yang luas jadi bisa di bangun menjadi area apapun

Cluster Ketiga
Seqouia Hill Sentul
Mono House

Inspired Introvert House

A True Appreciation of Personal Space

Known for its captivating cultures, Japan puts the art of appreciation as an essential way of living. The appreciation of personal space – the art of being mindful of one’s privacy and solitude – elegantly revitalizes our wellbeing.

Inspired by this philosophy, MONO delivers a Japanese-inspired introvert house concept with avid enthusiasm. Our craftmanship starts from the prestigiously private establishment, the soothing ambience we set in your house, and the facilities that allure you to mentally reset and rejuvenate.

Cluster Perdana
Seqouia Hill Sentul
New Cluster The Leroy

Masterplan Sequoila Hill

Cluster The Leroy merupakan cluster pertama dari total 14 cluster yang akan di bangun di Sequoia Hills Sentul

Fasilitas Super Premium

TYpe Unit The Leroy

Type 8 (8×18) LT/LB 144/207 m2
Harga Mulai 3,4 Milyar (KPR & Cash Bertahap)
Type 10 (10×18) LT/LB 180/249 m2
Harga Mulai 4,1 Milyar (KPR & Cash Bertahap)
Type 12B (12×18) LT/LB 216/300 m2
Harga Mulai 5,4 Milyar (KPR & Cash Bertahap)

Stock Update Unit

Promo & Cara Bayar

Cash Keras

Cash Bertahap 24x

KPR DP 10% Express

KPR DP 15% cicil 18x


Suasana Lingkungan
Sequoia Hills Sentul

Contact Sales Consultant

Palm Hill Golf, Jl. Sentul Raya, Kadumangu, Kec. Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810

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